By purchasing and downloading resource from “Halcyon digital items” website you are being granted a license to use these resource for specific uses under certain conditions.
Ownership remains with “Halcyon digital items”, and you are required to abide by the following licensing terms.
You do not have the rights to redistribute, resell, lease, license, sub-license or offer the file downloaded to any third party. You are not allowed to permit an end-user of the End Product to extract the Item and use it separately from the End Product.
Personal License
Personal License allows you to use downloaded assets for non-commercial, personal projects, personal social media accounts with non-commercial activities, and personal physical items not for sale. Also, you can use assets in presentations and materials for personal use or in creating end products, not for sale or distribution.
It’s prohibited to use this type of license to include products in physical or digital paid advertisements, commercial or internal purposes in companies with any size of the team or in business social media accounts. This type of license included in Business License.
Business License
Business License allows you to use downloaded assets for commercial projects which involve custom work for a client, internal purposes of the company, physical advertisements for the local market, and digital paid advertisements with unlimited impressions, physical items not for sale. Also, this type of license allows using products in business social media account owned and managed by the customer of license.
It’s prohibited to use this type of license to include downloaded products creating end products for sale, or developing native apps, web apps, or games. This type of license included in our special offer. Please contact us by mail to discuss all the details.
Free Products
You can use free assets according to Personal and Business Licenses.
Demo Files
Demo files of the products are available for personal use only.
Refund Policy
We consider each request for a refund individually. If you are not satisfied with the quality of the product you purchased, please contact us and describe the reason why you would like to receive a refund.
We reserve the right to change prices, revise the resource usage policy or replace the License Terms at any time. All changes will only take effect for your next subscription period.